Vangeline Theater is now home to the New York Butoh Institute.
The New York Butoh Institute is dedicated to the advancement of Butoh in the 21st century, with a special emphasis on scientific research as it relates to Butoh.
While scientific evidence supports the numerous physical, psychological, and social benefits of dance; studies in Japan indicate that Butoh dance is an effective activity for promoting the health and well being of individuals.
The Japan Dance Therapy Association (JADTA) reports a growing interest in the use of Butoh therapy in promoting general well being in individuals and the community. The Butoh dance method is described as promoting deep mind/body integration with conscious/subconscious integration. Research done by the Hokkaido Technological College reported that various conditions were shown to decrease, including migraines, muscle tensions, nervous stomach conditions, sleeplessness, hypertension, kidney inflammation, and gastric ulcers. Surveys of participants indicated that following the Butoh therapy, they felt happier, better able to enjoy their work, and they felt their lives had acquired greater meaning.
The New York Butoh Institute is dedicated to researching the wide range of physical and psychological benefits of Butoh dance. We are interested in the impact of Butoh on health and well being, and in documenting what happens in the brain of people dancing butoh, as well as the effect of Butoh dance on viewers.
OUR NEXT PROJECT: Brain Mapping for Butoh
New imaging technologies now allow researchers to document the brain activity of Butoh dancers, and research centers are well equipped to study Butoh training and its broader neurological implications. The New York Butoh Institute will pioneer scientific studies of the brain of butoh dancers in the US and abroad. Our primary focus will be recording brain activity of first and second generation Butoh Masters from Japan, as well as brain waves of third and fourth generation practitioners from the US.