Butoh Class with Vangeline
Sunday, March 24, 2018
307 West 43rd Street corner of 8th avenue NY NY
Subways: A to Port Authority 42nd Street
Hosted by Vangeline Theater / New York Butoh Institute
$15-20 cash donation
or $20 online. We accept Debit/Credit/Paypal/Venmo/Apple Pay.
Vangeline draws on 17 years of experience as a Butoh teacher and dancer, and has 35 years of expertise in the field of dance. She is the winner of the 2015 Gibney Dance's Beth Silverman-Yam Social Action Award, and the founder of the 11-year running, award-winning program “Dream a Dream Project", which brings Butoh dance to incarcerated men and women at correctional facilities across New York City. Recent invitations include teaching engagements at Studio 303 in Montreal ( Jan. 28 to Feb. 1st, 2019), and the Zen Mountain Monastery (Feb 15-17, 2019).
She is a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and continues to take accredited training and professional development programs in continuing education from the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Science. She is currently writing a book, which explores a groundbreaking, scientific approach to butoh. She teaches trauma-informed Butoh classes.
This unique training is an invaluable tool for dancers, actors, adult beginners, encouraging participants to open up and expand physically and energetically. This workshop creates a gentle and supportive environment to start an individual and collective process of investigation through creative movement.
Our classes are open level and beginners are welcome.
Our Butoh classes are trauma informed; however, we recommend that prior to taking any class, prospective students familiarize themselves with our studio policy, particularly students with a history of PTSD or students with any mental health condition. Please read OUR STUDIO POLICY before taking class. Thank you!
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council as well as the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.