Performance Butoh workshop with New York Butoh Institute – 9/11 commemoration
September 8, 9, 10, 11, 2016
This Butoh intensive workshop with Vangeline in New York will culminating in a public Butoh offering on September 11, 2016 in Times Square
This program is supported in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council
16 hours
307 West 43rd Street corner of 8th avenue NYC
Subways: A to Port Authority 42nd Street
Dates and Times:
Thursday, September 8, 6-8pm
Friday, September 9, 6-9pm
Saturday September 10, 2-6pm
Sunday, September 11, 2-8pm with FINAL LIVE PERFORMANCE- PUBLIC OFFERING ON 9/11
This Butoh workshop creates a supportive environment to start an individual and collective process of investigation through creative movement. Participants start a spiritual and energetic journey to express, heal and transform hidden aspects of themselves. The work incorporates Japanese Butoh techniques, guided imagery, bio-energetics, core energetics, creative movement, improvisation, release techniques, elements of Noguchi gymnastics. This unique training is an invaluable tool for dancers, actors, adult beginners, encouraging participants to open up and expand physically and energetically.
This workshop is perfect opportunity for those who wish to strengthen their Butoh skills.
Students enrolled in all 4 days will perform a Butoh offering to commemorate 9/11
Other students are free to take only part of the workshop.
All levels and complete beginners are welcome.
Vangeline draws on more than 14 years of experience as a Butoh teacher and Butoh performer. She is the winner of the 2015 Gibney Dance's Beth Silverman-Yam Social Action Award, and the founder of the 10-year running, award-winning program “Dream a Dream Project", which brings Butoh dance to incarcerated men and women at correctional facilities across New York City. Recent invitations include a creative residency in 2016 at Princeton University (Princeton Atelier).
All payments are non refundable.