New York Butoh Institute
A Free Virtual Butoh Festival Series
Eugenia Vargas in UMBRIA–photo by César Alberto Guzmán
October 14 to October 31, 2021:
Eugenia Vargas
Umbria–Shadow Trilogy for a Dancer
Available at
Photo by César Alberto Guzmán
Intercultural project directed by Eugenia Vargas * where three choreographers from different generations converge to work on the theme of shadow. The guest artists are Yukio Waguri +, second generation butoh dancer, teacher and choreographer and main disciple of Tatsumi Hijikata. Tadashi Endo, dancer, actor, teacher and choreographer, disciple of Kazuo Ohno, and Eugenia Vargas, dancer, teacher and choreographer. Thus Waguri, Endo and Vargas each built a piece to form a trilogy in which Vargas has her body and her sensitivity to give light to the different faces of the shadow.
+ Died in October 2017, in Tokyo, Japan
* Creadores Escénicos con Trayectoria 2019-2022, FONCA, support.
Original idea and general direction: Eugenia Vargas*
Choreographers: Yukio Waguri +, Tadashi Endo and Eugenia Vargas
Dancer: Eugenia Vargas
Original music: Guillermo González Phillips
Filmmaker, director of photography and edition: Mauricio Novelo
Scenography and body painting: Jorge Serrano
Costume: Elena Brauer, Amada Domínguez and Jorge Serrano
General assistant: Juan Carlos Valdez Dragonné
Production: Laboratorio Escénico Danza Teatro Ritual
Duration: 60 minutes
+ Died in October 2017, in Tokyo, Japan
* Creadores Escénicos con Trayectoria 2019-2022, FONCA support.
Eugenia Vargas
Dancer, choreographer, teacher, and researcher. She is the founder and director of Laboratorio Escénico Danza Teatro Ritual (LEDTR), a space that has served not only as an incubator for dance and interdisciplinary projects but also as an artistic residence and a formative space for butoh dance, from which several generations of artists have emerged or have been influenced.
In her workshops, Vargas focuses on the investigation of the electrical impulse as a spark of sensation in order to delve into the training of nervous sensitivity and transformation of the body, based on energy and its multiple qualities.
She is co-founder and director of Cuerpos en Revuelta - Butoh International Festival, of Variaciones Butoh: experimental scenic platform and of the Butoh México Archive with which she is currently organizing the Seminar “Thinking from the body with and against butoh.”
Vargas has trained with some of the most recognized butoh dance teachers in Mexico, Japan, and Germany, performing choreographic productions of Natsu Nakajima, Tadashi Endo, and Yukio Waguri. She has performed in Mexico, Japan, Spain, Canada, Colombia, and Chile.
She has Creadores Escénicos con Trayectoria 2019-2022, FONCA, support.
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.