WADEintoACTIVISM is joining the UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign organized by UN Women. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence will take place from November 25th through December 10th.
Tuesday, December 8th @ 8:00pm EST
FEMININITY IN BUTOH/Performance of Erasure by Vangeline
ɪˈreɪʒə (Erasure) is the second installment of a performance triptych by butoh artist Vangeline. The 60-minute solo is a contemporary take on fairy tales Sleeping beauty and Rumpelstiltskin and explores the phenomenon of female erasure taking place in our society.
WADE into ACTIVISM is a Virtual Event Series on its FB page produced as follows:
Performances: each day of the campaign we will present a creative work by a woman artist reflecting on the theme of violence against women. The multi-generational, multicultural group of women will share their voices on the topic from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Conversations with male artists and feminist activists from around the globe in regards to gender equality. Experiences from the US, Italy, Argentina, India, Colombia, Canada, Trinidad, and Tobago, Ghana.
We condemn the violence and systemic oppression of all femme-identifying individuals; violence born out of patriarchy, which is taught generation after generation and reinforced by family, community, and cultural silence in regards to different levels of gender-based violence. For this reason, we are including men in our conversations. Our inclusive approach means to present different definitions of masculinity, investigate our masculinity ad femininity are constructed and understand the deep-rooted, learned cultural behaviors that lead to violence against women.